Saturday, January 24, 2009

August 1, 2008 Deschutes County Fair with Taylor

It was Mimi-kid Taylor's turn to come and spend a week with Mimi and Grampy Ansel. It happened to be the week of the Deschutes Co Fair, so we loaded up Ansel's go cart and headed to the Fair. It was a really hot day, thank God for Ansel's scooter or he'd have never made it from the parking lot to the Pig Barn, let alone see the some of the attractions.

Amber Scott (Lula Stirewalt Daniel's daughter) visits with Ansel. Of course he has a story or two to share with her. Martina and Lula's mother were best friends at Spray,OR) Amber's kids Cole and Shandra had pigs in the fair. Amber is their 4-H Leader.

Taylor watches Shandra feed care for her pig. Tay is pretty sure showing pigs isn't in her future.

These two pigs belong to Bradley and Alex Carter. Used to being penned together at home, they aren't going to let a little steel panel separate them. Aren't they cute?!

Taylor's first pony ride. Not quite outfitted for a cowgirl, but she enjoyed it none the less.

Love this picture ! Not sure what high ride we are in it wasn't too thrilling, but the view was nice... the Three Sisters Mts in the back ground.

Mimi and Taylor, I suppose it's some kind of Ferris Wheel. Taylor went on lots of other rides, even ate some icky Cotton Candy which she shared with Ansel.

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