Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Small World

MASSACHUSETTS has really cool license plates:
I would be torn if I lived in MA, would I get a Nauset Light plate or a Red Sox plate???

Who'd a thunk it? Turns out my sister's best friend's husband who is a retired commercial airline pilot who grew up in Penn. spent a summer in his teen years in Riley, Oregon working on a hay ranch for a man who had race horses that Ansel knew !!!!
It was a treat one afternoon for Judy and Ted to drop by my sister's Cape Cod home and meet Ansel. I forget it was either Ted's dad or uncle whoe knew E.M. Bush who owned a large hay and cattle ranch at Riley, Oregon. They thought it would good for Ted to go out West and work in the hay fields for the summer. If I remember right, Ted took the train from Penn. to Ontario, Oregon and was picked up there. Riley is basically a post office, a two room elementary school, and a mom and pop grocery/convenience store and gas station 28 miles west of Burns, Oregon. I'm quite sure the population is less than 50. I knew the ranch well, it was one that Hoyt's owned, while I worked for them, it was know as the Green Valley Ranch. The ranch house was very unique, it had 9 bedrooms. Ansel says that Mrs. Bush ran an abortion clinic in Portland, and would bring women to the remote ranch to recooperate.

Bonnie and Judy graduated together from Nauset Regional HS. They were Nauseteers and have remained lifelong friends. While it was nice to reconnect with Judy, I was especially enamored with Judy's baby - an immaculately restored 1969 Mercedes 280SL with only 70K original miles.
Judy and Cyndy cruisn in style...

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