Friday, April 11, 2008

from 20 degrees to 60 ahhhhhh

April 10 ??? 2008 Spring any one ???

Started out in Cokeville, Wyoming... another vintage 1950's Motor Court. Woke up to 20 degrees and snow all around... (not on the pavement, just around) Odd that it's almost April 15, and it's still winter here.

Love the retro-mint green tile... Nope, that's not right, this is ORIGINAL mint green tile !!! Just like my childhood bathroom... I can remember standing over the "in-floor" heat register that was outside the bathroom door waiting our turn to use the one bathroom (for 6 of us) that wasn't much bigger than this one. The floor register was probably 2'x3', and I can remember straddling it, to enjoy the heat in the morning. My short (5yr old) legs would barely reach the sides and it was too hot to stand on top of.
The room was comfortable, and very inexpensive. No internet... but it did have a coffee pot and a note that we were welcome to use the BBQ near the office if we wanted to cook :0)
Then it was on to Idaho.
Got into another snow storm while heading over the pass between Wy and ID... It didn't make the pavement icy or slippery, but it was alot of snow coming down for a time. Once we got to Pocatello, it was truly spring ! warm and sunny and windy... the drive was actually harder since it was so sunshiney... I was pretty sleepy... I found Iwas driving into every micky D's for two medium iced coffees. That was usually enough to get me to the next one.
We're in the home stretch... I can see Oregon in my sights. Ahhhhhhhhhh
This is the overpass at Ontario, Oregon. They have this beautiful artwork as their welcome sign. It didn't come out very clear, but it is really nice.
We stopped in Ontario and stayed the night with our friend Jill, where we were treated to a nice Chinese dinner with Jill's oldest daughter Wendy and her grandchildren Cade and Megan. Woke up to warm sunshine... I remember living in the Treasure Valley in the early 80's and summer always came early. I see all the irrigation is turned on every where, and they'll be putting up their first cutting of hay soon.

While we were at Jill's, Ansel said "in his 93 and 3/4 years... he's never ever seen a Mule Cat... but he finally has... and his name is Bruce. They are rare and this is the only one known to be held in captivity... he has adapted to his surroundings quite nicely.

Today is the last day of our adventure. But there are many more stories than I have been able to post here. So my plan is to continue posting Ansel's stories on this blog after we get home. I have many of them, but didn't have the energy or a good enough internet connection to post them. So stay tuned...

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